RStudio Server Management Notes
This is my personal notes to update and maintain RStudio Server, codes are imported from the official website and some stackoverflow resources.
Install and include packages from custom directory
# Installation
install.packages("Package", dependencies= TRUE, lib="YourDirectory")
# Include the path to R environment
.libPaths(c(.libPaths(), "YourDirectory"))
Connect to RStudio Server
# In terminal, the default port is 8787
ssh -N -f -L 8787:localhost:8787 ServerAddress
# In browser window
# Close the port after use in the terminal
lsof -ti:8787 | xargs kill -9
Update RStudio Server
# 1. Notify users ahead of time of the upgrade
# 2. Suspend active sessions
sudo rstudio-server suspend-all
# 3. Set rstudio offline
sudo rstudio-server offline
# 4. Install the latest version
# Check file names from here:
# 5. Restart rstudio
sudo rstudio-server restart
# 6. Put the new version online
sudo rstudio-server online